Welcome to the Engraved Egg's Blog

Aloha and welcome!

My name is Will and this is my blog and the Engraved Egg is my site. Hope you enjoy it and please feel free to become a follower. You can visit the the website at: The Engraved Egg

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Create your own green necklace with this set ~ $30.00

You can create your own unique necklace with this set of recycled beer bottle glass beads

This set of beads contains 10 small lamp-worked beads that are approximately 1/4th of an inch long with a 1/16 (1mm) inch hole. The larger bead is also lamp-worked and is approximately 3/4th's of an inch by 3/8th's of an inch wide with a 3mm hole. All the glass is recycled from a Heineken beer bottle.

Shipping: $1.5


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Art-fest at Waikiki - Jessica Landau's art

Tim Nguyen and I at the Art-fest in Waikiki......

 This is Tim with the person who originally got me interested in Flameworking (lampworking) her name is Jessica Landau and her website is www.jessicalandau.com check her stuff out you can also purchase her work at Etsy. When I worked at Sunshine Arts I would spend my days off watching Jessica work her alchemy with flame and glass. I consider her to be my Master (teacher)........


Friday, March 26, 2010

A Commissioned Piece $100.00

Woo Hoo! Just got done with a commissioned piece. It has 8 Snail Beads, a Heineken beer bottle mouth and sand from 10 beaches here on Oahu. It is also woven nylon crochet thread and 3mm round black leather cord. Took 8 hours to make and I charged $100.00 for it. I and the customer felt that it was a fair price for the amount of time and energy that went into creating it. The proud owner is moving off Island to get married and begin a new life but wanted something to keep from home.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Snail bead made from Recycled Beer Bottle Glass

New work for the masses

These are what I call Snail beads, I went to the beach yesterday and as I picked up a discarded beer bottle I noticed that inside the bottle was a snail, when I got the little critter out it's shell sucked me in...the spiral of life feeding out from a central location, it called to me and so I let the little one go gathered the bottles up and came back to the studio where I became a man possessed. The result of this total lack of reason are the new snail beads and each Snail Bead is a unique handmade item.

They are available from my Etsy store and I do ship world-wide now, they come in various amounts with volume discounts. the break down works like this:
1     Snail bead   = $   2.50 each offered as a sample
5     Snail Beads = $ 12.50   ($2.50 each)

10   Snail Beads = $ 22.50   ($2.25 each)
25   Snail Beads = $ 50.00   ($2.00 each)
50   Snail Beads = $ 75.00   ($1.50 each)
75   Snail Beads = $ 93.75   ($1.25 each)
100 Snail Beads = $100.00  ($1.00 each)

and the links are to each ones individual Etsy page. (as soon as I get them on there).


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Possible Logo for my Recycled Glass items

Well I thought about this and I think this is a really good logo for my Recycled glass. It speaks of re-birth through fire, and most of my creations are born of fire....especially the pendants and beads. hope you like it as much as I do.

 I used a hawk as the basis for my Phoenix to honor me Mum.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Friend Tim Nguyen ~ March 23, 2010

This is my friend Tim Nguyen, he is well on his way to become an established artist here in Hawaii. I meet Tim 4 years ago when I worked at a wonderful art gallery in Kaneohe, Hawaii. the gallery is called Sunshine Arts Hawaii.

 Tim and I painted the murals on the building, he painted the left side and I painted the right. (when your facing the front doors.)
 Tim has a unique style that blends aspects of Vietnam with the rural laid back feeling of Hawaii. here are some of my favorites:

 if your interested in Tims work Giclee's are available at: www.nguyensart.com. If I were you I would get one before his art becomes to expensive. 


Investors, Sponsors and Artists for The Engraved Egg

That's right I'm looking for Investors, Sponsors and fellow Artist's and Etsians for an excellent chance for some marketing.

 There is lots of room to write here so let's get started.
 I am currently working on going to Sturgis, SD for the 70th Anniversary Bike Rally and I thought to myself why should I have all the fun, so this is what's up:
1. I am looking for investors, these people will get there initial investment back after August, hopefully at the beginning of September with a bonus (not sure what the bonus amount will be until after the Rally) they will also get a spot of glory on The Engraved Eggs website for as long as the site exists, ( it has been up and running for a year). The investing amount is $250 and can be done on the home page of the Engraved Egg. People that have invested can be found at this link Investors.
2. I am also looking for sponsors, a sponsorship will get you a spot on the sponsors page with a link to your website, blog spot and/or your Etsy store, for the life of the Engraved Egg website ( it has been up and running for a year). Now you may ask yourself "why would I bother." it's simple, at the Sturgis Rally there are going to be an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 people and I am planning on handing out flyers and business cards to as many of them that come by my booth. 
My business card looks like this:  
 I will have 2000 business cards and a flyer / brochure that will have the website address and the back will be the addresses to all of the sponsors and investors of the engraved egg. This is the link to the Sponsors page:Sponsors

   3. I'm looking for artists and crafter's that would be interested in having me sell there works at the Rally. My qualifications are thus, 20 years experience working as a custom picture framer in various art galleries  across the US.  I will be taking 10% of your sale price and you are responsible for getting your pieces to me. If your interested, become a sponsor and in the comment section state that you want  "more info".
 I plan on traveling to Sturgis at the beginning of July and staying until the middle of August. I do how ever need to secure the booth space before April 9th so the sooner you get involved the better. 


Sunday, March 21, 2010

creating a recycled beer bottle glass

This vid is cutting the bottle:

and this one is smoothing the edge, I don't do it for vary long in the vid so if you can suffer through the noise then you will see the rest of the process.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 20th ~ Shipping to Finland

Ello boys and girls,

  I just got back from the post office, woo hoo I think I successfully shipped two necklaces to Finland. Yippie! It was not as bad as I thought it would be. $4.21 first class international for a package weighing 2.8 ounces. These are what I shipped:   

 I just hope they survive.

more later.


Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Well let's see if  I can blog. Lol this should be fun....
  Okay, lets get this started, I moved to Oahu Hawaii on Dec 7th 2009 from a small town in South-Western Pennsylvania named Waynesburg. Waynesburg's claim to fame is a yearly festival where people bet there hats on whether or not it's going to rain on one particular day....(farmers, go figure)
  Over the past 25 years I have traveled around the U.S. learning different artistic techniques and have now come to a point where I feel comfortable selling my creations. Not to mention that I finally found something that gives back to the earth as well.
 That would be recycled beer bottle glasses I also sell them at Etsy. These bottle glasses at present take me about 30 - 45 minutes each, from cutting them to smoothing the edges. They are a lot of fun to make. Here are some pics of them:

 These are just a few of the ones I make. I am always experimenting though and have found even more ways to re-use them. such as:

 The brown bottle is engraved by hand with a wonderfully in expensive tool called a Turbo Carver. and the necklace is a pendant made from the mouth of a Heineken(tm) bottle.