Welcome to the Engraved Egg's Blog

Aloha and welcome!

My name is Will and this is my blog and the Engraved Egg is my site. Hope you enjoy it and please feel free to become a follower. You can visit the the website at: The Engraved Egg

Monday, April 19, 2010


Everything Dies

Well I loved my aunt
But she died
And my uncle Lou
Then he died
I'm searching for
Something which can't
Be found but I'm hoping
I still dream of dad
Though he died

Everything dies

My ma's so sick
She might die
Though my girl's quite fit
she will die
Still looking for someone
Who was around
Barely coping
Now I hate myself
Wish I'd die

No why? Oh God I miss you
No, why? Oh God I miss you
I really miss you


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Peter Steele ~ Dead at 48

Type-O-Negative's lead singer

Peter Steele has packed his bags and went on the next great adventure. I think this is affecting me so much because I love the music and the deep effect it has on me. There is also another reason and it's a simple one...the age at which he died...I am currently 40 soon to be 41 and I am wondering about my own mortality, when I was younger I didn't care if I lived or died, most people didn't think I would make it to 20....lol...neither did I for that matter.
As the years passed and I experienced more of life....the extreme joy and happiness of a first born child and the soul wrenching sorrow of people close to me leaving or dying I came to appreciate my life and all the ups and downs that go along with it...for years I have gotten out of bed and wondered "What will happen today?" it is my own little mantra that helps me to coupe with the ups and downs that life has to offer.
I am not sure where I am going or how long I have left till I go on my last great adventure but I hope that I have at least 20 - 40 years left but I'm not sure...I have abused this body I live in and now that I sound like a bowl of rice crispies when I get out of bed and say my little mantra I hope that today is not my last day....
Heres a link to the posting on Peter Steele
"every encounter in life, good or bad, could be just the encounter needed for cosmic enlightenment."


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ticket to ride

Ive got my ticket to Sturgis

I leave Oahu on the 19th of April and arrive in Rapid City on the 20th. I have a 6 hour layover in Seattle, guh....I guess I'll make sure to have lots of beads and hemp with me so I'll have something to do.
I've been trying to get a location to stay at in either Rapid City or Sturgis itself, got a couple of nibbles but nothing concrete yet. I'm also trying to acquire a vehicle preferably a truck or van.
I love Hawaii but if you don't have a lot of money to start with it is really difficult to stay here. The beaches are full of ramshackle shacks and people with broken dreams with empty wallets.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

An interview of me

Little Tesoro did a

Wonderful interview and article on me yesterday for her blog space http://littletesoro.blogspot.com/2010/04/featured-seller-william-r-bonnichsen.html I really enjoyed doing it and it was very kind of her to offer it as well. You should check it out as well as her Etsy shop :http://www.etsy.com/shop/LittleTesoro.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Preparing For Sturgis

Working very hard to go to South Dakota by

April 24th. I have the booth space almost locked down and I have now found a possible location about an Hour outside of Sturgis to live and work in exchange for some carpentry work. Only a few more things to accomplish and then I'm on my way to get this adventure into full swing. By the way if you are an artist and would like me to offer your Items along with mine at the Rally send me an email and we can discuss it.


Friday, April 2, 2010

100% Recycled Beer Bottle Beads, video creation

Creation of recycled glass beads

Greetings and hello, I have just recently add a two part video that describes and shows the processes that I use to create 100% recycled beer bottle glass beads. I hope you enjoy them and get a better understanding of the reason for my prices. These beads are created by myself on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii.
and here's the link. The Engraved Egg